The Hilbert transform of cos ω 1 t + sin ω 2 t is

The Hilbert transform of cos ω 1 t + sin ω 2 t is

The Hilbert transform of cos ω1t + sin ω2t is

A. <p>sin &omega;<sub>1</sub>t &ndash; cos &omega;<sub>2</sub>t</p>

B. <p>sin &omega;<sub>1</sub>t + cos &omega;<sub>2</sub>t</p>

C. <p>cos &omega;<sub>1</sub>t &ndash; sin &omega;<sub>2</sub>t</p>

D. <p>sin &omega;<sub>1</sub>t + sin &omega;<sub>2</sub>t</p>

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Right Answer is: A


\({\rm{\hat x}}\left( {\rm{t}} \right) = {\rm{x}}\left( {{\rm{t}} - {\rm{\pi }}/2} \right)\)where \(x ̂(t)\)is Hilbert perform of x(t)
therefore, cos (ω1t – π/2) + sin (ω2t – π/2)
sin ω1t – cos ω2t