The number of points needed to draw a line using Absolute Coordin

The number of points needed to draw a line using Absolute Coordin
| The number of points needed to draw a line using Absolute Coordinates is

A. zero

B. one

C. two

D. three

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C



Coordinate system

  • To specify a point in a plane, take two mutually perpendicular lines as reference.
  • The horizontal line is called X-axis and the vertical line is called Y-axis.
  • The point of intersection of two-axis is known as the origin.
  • The X and Y-axis divide the X-Y plane into four parts generally known as quadrants.
  • This method of specifying points is called a cartesian coordinate system.

AutoCAD uses the following 2 coordinate system to locate a point in an X-Y plane.

Absolute coordinate system

  • In the absolute coordinate system, the points are located with respect to the origin (0,0).
  • For example, a point with X = 4 and Y = 3 is measured 4 units horizontally and 3 units vertically from the origin.
  • We need two points to draw a line in the absolute coordinate system.
  • In AutoCAD, the absolute coordinates are specified by entering X and Y coordinates, separated by a comma.

Relative coordinate system

There are two types of relative coordinate system.

  • Relative rectangular coordinates
    • In the relative rectangular coordinate system, the displacement along the X and Y axis are measured with reference to the previous point rather than origin.
    • In AutoCAD, the relative coordinate system is designated by the symbol @ and it should precede any relative entry.
  • Relative polar coordinate
    • In the relative polar coordinate, a point is located by defining both the distance of the point from the current point and the angle that the line between two points makes with the positive X-axis.