The phenomenon of generation of lift by rotating an object placed

The phenomenon of generation of lift by rotating an object placed
| The phenomenon of generation of lift by rotating an object placed in a free stream is known as

A. Coanda effect

B. Magnus effect

C. Scale effect

D. Buoyancy effect

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Right Answer is: B


When the flow is into air, the atmospheric pressure is equal on all sides around the flow. But when we put something such as a surface on one side of the flow, we are blocking the atmosphere from interacting with the flow from that side, which results in a pressure imbalance between the side that is open to the atmosphere, called Coanda effect.

When a body is submerged (partially or fully) in fluid, it experiences a upward force called buoyancy forces and effect is called buoyancy effect.

If a cylinder is rotated in a uniform stream, there will be an automatic generation of lift force. This effect first observed by Magnus, so called Magnus effect.