The roots of the equation 2a 2 x 2 – 2abx + b2 = 0 when a < 0 and

The roots of the equation 2a 2 x 2 – 2abx + b2 = 0 when a < 0 and
| The roots of the equation 2a2x2 – 2abx + b2 = 0 when a < 0 and b > 0 are :

A. Sometimes complex

B. Always irrational

C. Always complex

D. Always real

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C


We have, 2a2x2 – 2abx + b2 = 0

Discriminant, D = (-2ab)2 – 4 (2a2) (b2)

=4a2b2 – 8a2b2

= - 4a2b2 < 0

Then Discriminant < 0

It mean that Roots will always complex.