The shape of a rasp cut file is

The shape of a rasp cut file is
| The shape of a rasp cut file is

A. Triangular

B. Flat

C. Half-round

D. Round

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Right Answer is: C


The teeth of a file are formed by cuts made on its face. Files have cuts of different types.

Types of cut:

Basically, there are four types: Single cut, Double cut, Rasp cut, and Curved cut.

Single cut File:

  • A single cut file has rows of teeth cut in one direction across its face.
  • The teeth are at an angle of 60° to the centre line.
  • It can cut chips as wide as the cut of the file.
  • Files with this cut are useful for filing soft metals like brass, aluminium, bronze, and copper. 

Double cut file:

  • A double cut file has two rows of teeth cut diagonal to each other.
  • The first row of teeth is known as OVERCUT and they are cut at an angle of 70°.
  • The other cut, made diagonal to this, is known as UPCUT. and is at an angle of 51°.
  • This removes stock faster than the single cut file.

Rasp Cut File:

  • The rasp cut has individual, sharp, pointed teeth in a line, and is useful for filing wood, leather and other soft materials.
  • These files are available only in half round shape.

Curved cut file:

  • These files have deeper cutting action and are useful for filing soft materials like- aluminium, tin, copper, and plastic.
  • The curved cut files are available only in a flat shape.