The spring controlled governor is

The spring controlled governor is
| The spring controlled governor is

A. Hartnell

B. Hartung

C. Pickering

D. All the above

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D




  • It is a device used for maintaining a constant mean speed of rotation of the crankshaft over long periods during which the load of the engine may vary.
  • Governor maintains constant speed by controlling the supply of working fluid as load varies.

Governors are classified as:

  • Centrifugal Governor
  • Inertia Governor

Centrifugal Governors are classified as:

  • Dead Weight Governors:
    • Porter governor
    • Proell governor
  • Spring controlled governors:
    • Hartnell governor
    • Hartung governor
    • Pickering governor


Hence all the given governors are Spring loaded governors.