The transfer characteristic of a MOSFET is observed as shown: Th

The transfer characteristic of a MOSFET is observed as shown:


The transfer characteristic of a MOSFET is observed as shown:


The type of MOSFET is:

A. n-channel enhancement type

B. p-channel enhancement type

C. n-channel depletion type

D. p-channel depletion type

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Right Answer is: D


An enhancement type MOSFET requires some minimum Voltage (Vth) for a channel to get induced.

The current Equation for an Enhancement Type MOSFET is given by:

\({{I}_{d}}\left( sat \right)={{K}_{n}}\left[ {{\left( {{V}_{GS}}-{{V}_{th}} \right)}^{2}} \right]\) 

Vth is the minimum voltage required for the channel to get induced.

1) For VGS = 0, there will be no channel, resulting in no current to flow for positive VDS

2) For the given transfer characteristic, ID(mA) is not zero for VGS = 0, which indicates that there is already a channel induced for VGS = 0.

So, the given MOSFET is a depletion type MOSFET.

Also, for positive VGS, ID = 0 and for negative VGS, ID is increasing, indicating that the channel is p-channel.