The water from the ocean to the atmosphere, to the ground and bac

The water from the ocean to the atmosphere, to the ground and bac
| The water from the ocean to the atmosphere, to the ground and back to the ocean, again is called

A. Hydrologic cycle

B. Climate Effect change

C. Low pressure

D. High pressure

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Right Answer is: A


Hydrologic cycle: The hydrologic cycle is a process of continuous circulation of water within the Earth’s hydrosphere. Water moves into and from the various reservoirs on, over, and under the surface of the Earth, and in the process transforms into its various phases of solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (vapour), with the total mass of water remains constant. The physical processes involved are evaporation, condensation, sublimation, precipitation, transpiration, and runoff.

The water from the ocean to the atmosphere, to the ground and back to the ocean, again is called the Hydrologic cycle.