Total hardness of a water sample is 250 mg/Las CaCO3. The total a

Total hardness of a water sample is 250 mg/Las CaCO3. The total a
| Total hardness of a water sample is 250 mg/Las CaCO3. The total alkalinity of the same sample is 300 mg/L. The non – carbonate hardness of the given sample will be

A. 0 mg/L

B. 25 mg/L

C. 50 mg/L

D. 250 mg/L

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Right Answer is: A


Carbonate hardness = minimum of (Alkalinity or Total Hardness)

= minimum of (250 mg/L or 300 mg/L)

= 250 mg/L

∴ Non-carbonate hardness = total hardness – carbonate hardness

Non – carbonate hardness = 250 – 250 = 0 mg/L