Two points are moving with simple harmonic motions of s

Two points are moving with simple harmonic motions of s
| Two points are moving with simple harmonic motions of same period and amplitude along the same line.  They are found to cross each other in opposite directions, always at the point for which the displacement x=A2, where A is the amplitude.  Find the “phase difference” between the two motions.

A. π3

B. 2π3

C. 2π5

D. 5π3

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B


The two points cross each other at M (here OM = x = A2).  Time taken for the first particle to move from “O” to “M” is T/12.

The time taken by the other particle to move from “O” to “M” vial “X” will be T2T12=5T12. 
Therefore, the time difference is 5T12T12=T3. 
The corresponding phase difference is 2π3. (T corresponds to a phase difference of 2π)