Two random variable X and Y are totally uncorrelated if ρ XY :

Two random variable X and Y are totally uncorrelated if ρ XY :
| Two random variable X and Y are totally uncorrelated if ρXY:

A. 1.2

B. <span style="font-family:times new roman,times,serif;">&infin;</span>

C. Negative

D. 0

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D



Correlation Coefficient (ρ) of two Random Variables x and y is given by:

\({\rho _{xy}} = \frac{{{C_{ov}}\left[ {x,\;y} \right]}}{{\sqrt {{V_{ar}}\left[ x \right]{v_{ar}}\left[ y \right]} }}\)  ---(1)


Cov [x, y] = E [X, Y] – E [X] E[Y]  ---(2)


Given X & Y are totally uncorrelated, i.e.

E[X Y] = E[X] E[Y]

Substituting this is Equation (2), we get:

Cov [X, Y] = E[X Y] – E [X] E [Y] = 0

∴ Cov [X, Y] = 0

Hence from eqn (1), ρxy = 0