What is a shortcut key for "PASTE" command?

What is a shortcut key for "PASTE" command?
| What is a shortcut key for "PASTE" command?

A. Ctrl + C

B. Ctrl + V

C. Ctrl + A

D. Ctrl + X

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B


Microsoft Word is a powerful word processing program that allows you to create and enhance a wide range of documents quickly and easily.

Word Editing Shortcuts

Command Shortcut Ribbon Location
Undo Ctrl + Z Quick Access toolbar
Cut Ctrl + X Home tab, Clipboard group
Copy Ctrl + C Home tab, Clipboard group
Paste Ctrl + V Home tab, Clipboard group
Select All Ctrl + A Home tab, Editing group
Find Ctrl + F Home tab, Editing group
Replace Ctrl + H Home tab, Editing group