What is maximum number of nodes in a binary tree that has N level

What is maximum number of nodes in a binary tree that has N level
| What is maximum number of nodes in a binary tree that has N levels, if the root level is zero?

A. 2<sup>2N</sup>

B. 2<sup>N+1</sup> - 1

C. 2<sup>N</sup> - 1&nbsp;

D. 2<sup>N</sup> - 2N

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B


A binary tree of 5 levels:

The maximum number of nodes present is 63 

Option 1: 22N

If N = 5 then the maximum nodes = 22N = 1024

Therefore, it is incorrect

Option 2: 2N+1 - 1

If N = 5 then the maximum nodes = 2N+1 - 1 = 63

Therefore, it is correct

Option 3: 2- 1

If N = 5 then the maximum nodes = 2N - 1 = 31

Therefore, it is incorrect

Option 4: 2N - 2N

If N = 5 then the maximum nodes = 2N - 2N = 42

Therefore, it is incorrect