What is the weight of CO having the same number of oxyg

What is the weight of CO having the same number of oxyg

What is the weight of CO having the same number of oxygen atoms as much oxygen present in 88 g of CO2?


112 g


56 g


84 g


140 g

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: A


Molecular mass of CO2 = 44 g
88 g of CO2 = 2 moles of CO2 

Also, 1 mole of  CO2  6.022 ×1023 molecules of CO2.
1 molecule of  CO2 have 2 oxygen atoms.
So, 88 g (2 moles) of CO2   2×2 × 6.022 ×1023 atoms of oxygen.

1 mole of CO  28 g
1 molecule of CO have 1 oxygen atom.
 6.022 ×1023 oxygen atoms present in 28 g CO.
4×6.022×1023 oxygen atoms present in 28 × 4 = 112 g of CO
So, 112 g of CO will have the same number of oxygen present as in 88 g of CO2.