What of the following is/are true about the ER diagram notations?

What of the following is/are true about the ER diagram notations?

What of the following is/are true about the ER diagram notations?

A. Dashed ellipses are used to denote derived attribute

B. Double rectangles are used to denote weak entity sets

C. Double ellipses are used to denote multivalued attribute

D. Double diamond are used to denote weak relationships

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Right Answer is:


Dashed Ellipse is used to denote the derived attribute

Below are the Symbols with their description used in ER Model.

           Entity Symbol


Strong Entity has its own attribute. They will also have a primary key, distinguishing each occurrence of the entity.

Weak entities depend on some other entity type

Associative entities relate the instances of several entity types

Relationships are associations between or among entities.

Weak Relationships are connections between a weak entity and its owner.

Attributes are characteristics of an entity, a many-to-many relationship, or a one-to-one relationship.

Multivalued attributes are those that are can take on more than one value.

Derived attributes are attributes whose value can be calculated from related attribute values.