who has classified introvert personality and extrovert personalit

who has classified introvert personality and extrovert personalit
| who has classified introvert personality and extrovert personality?

A. Freud

B. Jung

C. Munn

D. Allport

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Right Answer is: B


Personality: Personality also refers to the pattern of thoughts, feelings, social adjustments, and behaviors consistently exhibited over time that strongly influences one's expectations, self-perceptions, values, and attitudes.

  • Personality is psychophysical that includes mental and physical aspects and both explain total personality.
  • Personality theories are attempts to understanding both the characteristics and the way of development of personality.

JUNG Classification of Personality

  • His personality theory is known as an analytic theory or analytical psychology.
  • Carl Jung suggested that all human beings share certain unconscious ideas because we are all human and were created from similar evolutionary circumstances and common ancestors.
  • The unconscious that we all share is called the collective unconscious.
  • Each individual has his own self-actualization. Jung expressed libido in a very comprehensive way, he equated libido as life energy.
  • In light of libido, Jung proposed two types of personalities— extroverts and introverts.
  • The persons in whom life energy (libido) flows inward are known as introvert while, persons whom the life energy flows outward are termed as an extrovert.
  • In other words, the extraversion orients a person toward the external world while the introversion drives a person toward the inner, subjective world.
  • According to Jung introvert and extrovert function under four aspects-sensations, feelings, thinking, and intuition.




  • The first modern theory of personality was developed by Sigmund Freud (1923) that is known as the psychoanalytic or psychodynamic theory of personality
  • According to Freud our most behavior is caused by thoughts, ideas, and wishes that are created in a person‘s brain.
  • These are not easily accessible by the conscious part of the mind but the unconscious mind.
  • According to him, the mind could be divided into three abstract categories- the id, the ego, and the superego.


  • Gordon Allport (1897-1967) was the first personality theorist who adapted the trait approach of personality theory.
  • The trait theory approach is one of the most important and largest fields of personality psychology.
  • According to this theory, personality is a composition of broad traits.
  • Allport (1929) defined ―A trait is a tendency to a reaction which when measured with reliability demonstrates the independence of other variables.


  • Personality may be defined as the most characteristics, integration of an individual’s, structure, attitudes, capacities, abilities, and aptitudes

From the above, we can conclude that Carl Jung classified introvert and extrovert personality.