Why do all the mint flavoured things taste cold Mint ta

Why do all the mint flavoured things taste cold Mint ta
| Why do all the mint flavoured things taste cold?

A. Mint tastes like sweet and sour which brain perceives as cold.

B. Menthol, present in mint activates the receptor proteins in the nerve cells which are able to sense cold.

C. Chemicals present in mint deactivate all our taste buds for a brief period hence we only feed cold.

D. Mint has a very high latent heat of fusion.

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Right Answer is: B


There are five basic tastes sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and savoriness. There are several food items that go beyond the five basic tastes like numbness, pungency, coldness etc.
Mint-laced products make your mouth icy cold. 
In mint, there is a chemical compound called menthol which activates the receptor proteins in the nerve cells which are able to sense cold. So, without changing the temperature in our mouth, the menthol tricks the brain to feel cold in the parts it is exposed.