A 3-stage ripple counter has Flipflop with propagation delay of 2

A 3-stage ripple counter has Flipflop with propagation delay of 2

A 3-stage ripple counter has Flipflop with propagation delay of 25 nsec and pulse width of strobe input 10 nsec. Then the maximum operating frequency at which counter operates reliably is

A. 16.67 MHz

B. 17.6 MHz

C. 12.67 MHz

D. 11.76 MHz

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Right Answer is: D



In case of ripple or asynchronous counter total propagation delay Tpd = n tpd

Where n = no. of flip flops

tpd = propagation delay of each flip flop

If the strobe signal is given, the pulse width of the strobe is also added, i.e.

Tpd = n tpd + Ts



n = 3, tpd = 25 nsec, Ts = 10 nsec

Tpd = 3 × 25 + 10

Tpd = 75 + 10

Tpd = 85 ns

Maximum frequency at which counter operates will be:

\({f_{max}} = \frac{1}{{{T_{pd}}}}\)

Putting on the value, we get:

\(= \frac{1}{{85 \times {{10}^{ - 9}}}}\)

\(= \frac{{{{10}^3}}}{{85}}MHz = 11.76\;MHz.\)

fmax ≈ 11.76 MHz