A coil of resistance 20 Ω, inductance 0.8 H is connected to a 400

A coil of resistance 20 Ω, inductance 0.8 H is connected to a 400
| A coil of resistance 20 Ω, inductance 0.8 H is connected to a 400 V DC supply. The initial rate of change of current is

A. 250 A/sec

B. 500 A/sec

C. 300 A/sec

D. 600 A/sec

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B


i(0-) = i(0+) = OA

Apply kVL

\(- 400 + 20i\left( {{0^ + }} \right) + 0.8\frac{{di\left( {{0^ + }} \right)}}{{dt}} = 0\) 

\(- 400 + 0 + 0.8\frac{{di\left( {{0^ + }} \right)}}{{dt}} = 0\) 

\(\frac{{di\left( {{0^ + }} \right)}}{{dt}} = \frac{{400}}{{0.8}} = 500\;{\rm{A}}/{\rm{sec}}\)