A lever is supported on two hinges at A and C. It carries a force

A lever is supported on two hinges at A and C. It carries a force

A lever is supported on two hinges at A and C. It carries a force of 3 kN as shown in the figure below. The bending moment B will be –

A. 3 kN-m

B. 2 kN-m

C. 1 kN-m

D. None of these

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D


As from figure, it can be observed

Static determinacy of the structure ⇒ Ds = Number of reactions – Number of equilibrium equations

Ds = 4 – 3 = 1

∵ The structure is indeterminate, Moment at joint B (M­B) will not be equal be to 3 × 1 = 3 kNm.

But then it is should be calculated using any one of the Force Method.

Options 2 and option 3 are simply inappropriate.

∴ The correct answer is None of these.