A message signal of 20 cos (2π × 10 4 t), sampled at the Nyquist

A message signal of 20 cos (2π × 10 4 t), sampled at the Nyquist
| A message signal of 20 cos (2π × 104t), sampled at the Nyquist rate is given to a 10-bit PCM system. The resulting binary sequence is represented with rectangular pulses and is transmitted through free space by using ASK binary signaling scheme. The transmission bandwidth is:

A. 200 kHz

B. 400 kHz

C. 600 kHz

D. 100 kHz

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Right Answer is: B



The transmission bandwidth for ASK scheme is given by:

Bandwidth = 2Rb (for Rectangular pulses)

Rb = Bit rate given by:

Rb = nfs

n = number of bits used in PCM encoding.

fs = Sampling frequency


Given n = 10

fm = Message signal frequency \(= \frac{{2\pi \times {{10}^4}}}{{2\pi }} = 10kHz\) 

fs = Nyquist Rate = 2 fm = 20 kHz.

Rb = nfs = 10 × 20 kbps

= 200 kbps.

So the Transmission Bandwidth = 200 k × 2

= 400 kHz.