A ray of light is passing from a medium of refractive index 2 to

A ray of light is passing from a medium of refractive index 2 to
| A ray of light is passing from a medium of refractive index 2 to a medium of refractive index √2. If the angle of refraction is 45° then find the angle of incidence.

A. 60°

B. 30°

C. 45°

D. 50° 

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B



  • Refraction: The bending of light or change in the direction of propagation of light as it moves from one medium to another is called refraction.
  • The Snell's law or the law of refraction states that the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence (i) to the sine of the angle of refraction (r) is constant for a light of given wavelength traveling in a given pair of media.


\(\frac{{Sin\;i}}{{Sin\;r}} = \;\frac{{{n_2}}}{{{n_1}}}\)

Where n2 and n1 are the refractive indexes of the two medium 2 and 1 respectively.


Given that:

Angle of refraction (r) = 45°

Refractive index of 1st medium (n1) = 2

Refractive index of second medium (n) = √2

Use Snell’s law:

\(\frac{{Sin\;i}}{{Sin\;r}} = \frac{{{n_2}}}{{{n_1}}} = \frac{{\sqrt 2 }}{2} = \frac{1}{{\sqrt 2 }}\)

\(\frac{{Sin\;i}}{{Sin\;45^\circ }} = \frac{1}{{\sqrt 2 }}\)

Sini = (1/√2) × (1/√2) = ½

So angle of incidence (i) = 30°