A solid conductor with relative permeability μ r = 200, conductiv

A solid conductor with relative permeability μ r = 200, conductiv
| A solid conductor with relative permeability μr = 200, conductivity σ = 5 × 106 mho/m having outer diameter 8 mm and length 2 mm. If the total current carried by the conductor is i(t) = 2 cos (π 104 t) A. Find the skin depth.

A. 2.25 mm

B. 0.225 mm

C. 0.16 mm

D. 1.60 mm

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Right Answer is: B


Relative permeability (μr) = 200

Conductivity (σ) = 5 × 106 mho/m

Outer diameter of conductor = 8 mm

Length of conductor = 2 mm

Total current carried by conductor, i(t) = 2 cos (π × 104t) Amp

⇒ ω = π × 104 rad/sec

⇒ f = 0.5 × 104 Hz

\(\delta = \frac{1}{{\sqrt {\pi f\;\sigma \;{\mu _0}{\mu _r}} }}\)

\(\delta = \frac{1}{{\sqrt {\pi\; \times \;0.5\; \times \;{{10}^4}\; \times \;4\pi\; \times \;{{10}^{ - 7}}\; \times \;200\; \times \;5 \;\times\; {{10}^6}} }}\)

\(\Rightarrow \delta = \frac{1}{{\sqrt {2{\pi ^2}\; \times \;{{10}^6}} }} = 0.225\;mm\)