An AC voltage of maximum value equal to 100V is applied to a sing

An AC voltage of maximum value equal to 100V is applied to a sing

An AC voltage of maximum value equal to 100V is applied to a single-phase fully controlled bridge circuit. The peak inverse voltage rating of each SCR used will be ______.

A. 141.4 V

B. 200 V

C. 70.7 V

D. 100 V

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D



Single-phase fully controlled bridge circuit:

  • The bridge rectifier circuit is made of four SCRs T1, T2, T3, T4, and a load resistor RL.
  • The four SCRs are connected in a closed-loop configuration to effectively convert the alternating current (AC) into Direct current (DC).
  • The input signed is applied across terminals A and B and output DC signal is obtained across the load resistor RL connected across the terminals C and D.
  • The four SCRs are arranged in such a way that only two SCRs conduct electricity during each half cycle.
  • SCRs T1 and T3 are pairs that conduct electric current during the positive half cycle.
  • Similarly, SCRs T2 and T4 conduct electric current during a negative half cycle.
  • During the positive half cycle, SCRs T1 and T3 become forward biased while SCRs T2 and T4 become reverse biased.
  • During the negative half-cycle, SCRs T2 and T4 become forward biased while SCRs T1 and T3 become reverse biased.
  • The current flow across load resistor RL is the same during positing half-cycles and the negative half cycles.
  • The output DC signal polarity may be either completely positive or negative.
  • The bridge rectifier allows electric current during both positive and negative half cycles of the input AC signal.
  • Peak inverse voltage is the maximum voltage that an SCR can withstand in a reverse bias condition.
  • During the positive half cycle, SCRs T1 and T3 are conducting.
  • Similarly, during the negative half cycle, SCR T2 and T3 are in the conducting stage while SCRs T1 and T3 are in a non-conducting state.


Given that

Vm = 100 V (AC signal)

PIV of bridge Rectifier =  PIV of SCR T1 and T3 = Vm = 100 V

Similarly, PIV of SCR T2 and T2 is Vm = 100 V.

i.e. PIV of each SCR T1, T2, T3, T4 is Vm = 100 V