An underwater fish is moving horizontally in sea and is below 10

An underwater fish is moving horizontally in sea and is below 10

An underwater fish is moving horizontally in sea and is below 10 m from the surface of water. A pitot tube just place in front of it and along its axis is connected to the two limbs of U-Tube containing mercury. The difference of mercury level is found to be 100 mm. The speed of diver is 

Take density of mercury = 13600 kg/m3 and density of sea water = 1020 kg/m3;

A. 2.91 m/s

B. 3.91 m/s

C. 4.91 m/s

D. 1.91 m/s

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C



The velocity is determined by measuring the rise of the liquid in the pitot tube. 

\({V_{1}} = {C_v}\sqrt {2gh}\)

\(h = x\left[ {\frac{{{s_g}}}{{{s_0}}} - 1} \right] \)

x = differential manometric reading 

sg = specific gravity of the manometric fluid

s0 = specific gravity of sea water



sg = 13.6, s0 = 1.02, x = 0.1 m

Cv = 1 (not given, so assumed as 1)

\(h = x\left[ {\frac{{{s_g}}}{{{s_0}}} - 1} \right] = 0.1\left( {13.33 - 1} \right) = 1.23 m\)

\(\therefore Velocity\ of\ flow = \sqrt {2 \times 9.8 \times 1.23} = 4.91 \ {m}/{s}\)