At point A in a pipeline carrying water, the diameter is 1 m, the

At point A in a pipeline carrying water, the diameter is 1 m, the
| At point A in a pipeline carrying water, the diameter is 1 m, the pressure 98 kPa and the velocity 1 m/s. At point B, 2 m higher than A, the diameter is 0.5 m and the pressure 20 kPa. The direction of flow would be

A. A to B

B. B to A

C. Cannnot be ascertained from data

D. None of these

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: A



To find the direction of flow of water, we have to calculate energy at each end.

So, the energy at each is given as, \(E = \frac{P}{{\rho g}} + \frac{{{V^2}}}{{2g}}+ z\)



At point A

DA = 1 m, PA = 98 kPa, VA = 1 m/s, zA = 0

At point B

DB = 0.5 m, PB = 20 kPa, zB = 2 m

Energy at point A: 


\(E_A = \frac{{98 \times {{10}^3}}}{{10 \times 1000}} + 0 + \frac{{{1^2}}}{{2 \times 10}}\)

EA = 9.85 m

Now for velocity at B, applying continuity equation


\(\frac{\pi }{4}D_1^2{V_1} = \frac{\pi }{4}D_2^2.{V_2} \Rightarrow 1 \times 1 = {\left( {0.5} \right)^2} \times {{\rm{V}}_2}\)

⇒ VB = 4 m/s

Energy at point B: 

\({E_B} = \frac{{20 \times {{10}^3}}}{{10 \times 1000}} + 2 + \frac{{{4^2}}}{{20}}\)

EB = 4.8 m

From the energy at both points, EA > EB. So flow will take place from A to B