Complete the following flow chart 1-Pollen grain 2-Frui

Complete the following flow chart 1-Pollen grain 2-Frui
| Complete the following flow chart.

A. 1-Pollen grain, 2-Fruit, 3-Vegetative propagation, 4-Flower

B. 1-Female gamete, 2-Zygote, 3-Yeast, 4-Leaf

C. 1-Female gamete, 2-Zygote, 3-Vegetative propagation, 4-Leaf

D. 1-Female gamete, 2-Pollen grain, 3-Vegetative propagation, 4-Leaf

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C


Sexual reproduction involves formation and fusion of male and female gametes. This results in the formation of zygote.
Pollen grains carry the male gamete, while ovule carries the female gamete.
After fertilisation ovule develops to form seeds.
Asexual reproduction in plants takes place by budding, spore formation and vegetative propagation.
Vegetative propagation involves formation of new individuals from the vegetative parts of the plant (e.g., root, stem and leaf).