Consider the amplifier circuit shown below. The parameters are g

Consider the amplifier circuit shown below. The parameters are g

Consider the amplifier circuit shown below. The parameters are gm = 2 ms, β = 100, r0 = 250 kΩ. Figure shows the Thevenin equivalent faced by load resistance RL.

Thevenin voltage Vth will be approximately:

A. 10 V<sub>in</sub>

B. 90 V<sub>in</sub>

C. V&shy;<sub>in</sub>

D. None of the above

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C


The small-signal equivalent circuit is drawn as:

For calculating Vth, we open the load resistance RL as shown below:

From the circuit, we can write:

\({V_{th}} = (\beta +1)I_b\times r_0\)   ---(1)

Applying KVL from the input side to the output side, we get:

\(V_i-270kI_b-I_br_\pi-(\beta +1)I_br_0=0\)

\(I_b=\frac{V_i}{270k+r_\pi +(\beta +1)r_0}\)

Substituting the value of Ib in equation (1), we get:

\({V_{th}} = \frac{{\left( {\beta + 1} \right){r_0}}}{{270k + {r_\pi } + \left( {\beta + 1} \right){r_0}}} \times {V_i}\)

\({V_{th}} \approx \frac{{\left( {\beta + 1} \right){r_0}}}{{\left( {\beta + 1} \right){r_0}}} \times {V_i}\)

Vth ≈ Vi