Consider the circuit shown in the figure below. The transistor pa

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below. The transistor pa

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below. The transistor parameters are:

VTN = 2.5 V

\({K_n} = \frac{{W{\mu _n}{C_{ox}}}}{{2L}} = 0.25\;A/{V^2}\)

The op-amp is ideal and the transistor is operating in the saturation region.

What will be the minimum voltage VDD so that MOSFET remains in saturation?

A. 2 V

B. 3 V

C. 2.5 V

D. 4.5 V

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: A



For VDS ≥ VGS - VTN, the MOSFET operates in saturation with the current given by:

ID(sat) = Kn (VGS - VTN)2

\({K_n} = \frac{{W{\mu _n}{C_{ox}}}}{{2L}}\) 

The above current equation can be written as:

\({V_{GS}} - {V_{TN}} = \sqrt {\frac{{{I_D}}}{{{K_n}}}}\)     ...1)


The given circuit is redrawn as:

Using virtual ground concept, we can write:

V+ = V- = 0 V

For the MOSFET, the drain current will be the same at drain and source terminal i.e.

\({I_D} = \frac{{{V_ - } - \left( { - 10} \right)}}{{10}}\)

\({I_D} = \frac{{10}}{{10}} = 1\;A\)

Since the MOSFET is operating in saturation, this is the saturation current, i.e.

ID(sat) = 1 A

With ID = 1A and Kn = 0.25, Equation (1) can be written as:

\({V_{GS}} - {V_{TN}} = \sqrt {\frac{1}{{0.25}}}\)

VGS - VTN = 2

Also, since VDS = VD - VS, we can write:

VDS = VDD – V-

For a MOSFET to operate in saturation, the following condition must be satisfied:

VDS ≥ VGS - VTN, i.e.

VDD – V- ≥ VGS - VTN

VDD – 0 ≥ 2

VDD ≥ 2

∴ The minimum value of VDD such that the MOSFET remains in saturation is

VDD = 2 V