How many T sates are required to execute STA 1234 instruction:

How many T sates are required to execute STA 1234 instruction:
| How many T sates are required to execute STA 1234 instruction:

A. 7 T

B. 4 T

C. 10 T

D. 13 T

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D


  • The time taken to execute an instruction is called the instruction cycle.
  • Time taken to execute are operation is known as the machine cycle.
  • Generally, one instruction will contain 1 to 5 machine cycles.
  • The portion of the machine cycle executed in one internal clock pulse is known as T-state.
  • T-state starts at the falling edge of a clock pulse.

Various operations performed by 8085 are:

  • Opcode fetch and execute: Most of the instruction needs 4T-states, but some instruction needs more than 4T-states. For Ex- HLT, CALL, DCX, etc
  • Memory Read – 3T
  • Memory write – 3T
  • I/O read – 3T
  • I/O write – 3T


“STA 1234” means store from ‘A’ register to the memory location.

It is a 3-byte instruction.

The opcode fetch and execute – 4T

1st-byte address fetch – 3T

2nd-byte address fetch – 3T

Write to memory (from A) – 3T

Total - 13 T states