How will you convert a 25 μA ammeter having an internal resistanc

How will you convert a 25 μA ammeter having an internal resistanc
| How will you convert a 25 μA ammeter having an internal resistance of 500 Ω into 10 A ammeter?

A. By connecting 12.5 mΩ resistance in series 

B. By connecting 12.5 mΩ resistance in shunt 

C. By connecting 1.25 mΩ resistance in series 

D. By connecting 1.25 mΩ resistance in shunt 

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D



We can extend the range of ammeter by keeping a shunt resistance as shown:

R= internal resistance of the coil

Rsh = Shunt resistance

I = Required full-scale range

I= Full scale deflection of current

As the two resistances, Rm and Rsh are in parallel, the voltage drop across the resistance will be equal.

\({I_m}{R_m} = \left( {I - {I_m}} \right){R_{sh}}\)

\({R_m} = \left( {\frac{I}{{{I_m}}} - 1} \right){R_{sh}}\)

\({R_{sh}} = \frac{{{R_m}}}{{\left( {\frac{I}{{{I_m}}} - 1} \right)}}\)

\({R_{sh}} = \frac{{{R_m}}}{{\left( {m - 1} \right)}}\)

Where \(m = \frac{I}{{{I_m}}}\)

‘m’ is called multiplying power



Meter resistance (Rm) = 500 Ω

Full scale deflection current (Im) = 25 μA

Required full scale reading (I) = 10 A

∴ The required shunt resistance that should be connected in parallel/shunt will be:

\({R_{sh}} = \frac{{{R_m}}}{{\left[ {\frac{I}{{{I_m}}} - 1} \right]}}\)

\({R_{sh}} = \frac{{500}}{{\left( {\frac{{10}}{{25\mu}} - 1} \right)}} = 1.25\;m\Omega{\rm{ }}\)

  • To increase the ranges of ammeter, we need to connect a small shunt resistance in parallel with ammeters.
  • To increase the ranges of a voltmeter, we need to connect a high series of multiplier resistance in series with voltmeters.