In finding Reynold’s number, the characteristic length of a circu

In finding Reynold’s number, the characteristic length of a circu
| In finding Reynold’s number, the characteristic length of a circular pipe of diameter d is taken as

A. d

B. 2d

C. 5d

D. 10d

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Right Answer is: A


Reynold Number:

\({R_e} = \frac{{\rho UL}}{\mu }\)

Where U is the average stream velocity and L is the characteristics length/width.

The hydraulic diameter which is used as the characteristic length in the determination of friction factor, instead of ordinary geometrical diameter, is defined as

\({D_h} = \frac{{4{A_w}}}{{{P_w}}}\)

where Aw is the flow area and Pw is the wetted perimeter

Circular pipe of diameter d:

\({D_h} = \frac{{4{A_w}}}{{{P_w}}} = \frac{{4 \times \frac{\pi }{4}{d^2}}}{{\pi d}} = d\)

The square duct of size a:

\({D_h} = \frac{{4{A_w}}}{{{P_w}}} = \frac{{4 \times {a^2}}}{{4a}} = a\)

The rectangular duct of size a × b:

\({D_h} = \frac{{4{A_w}}}{{{P_w}}} = \frac{{4 \times ab}}{{2\left( {a + b} \right)}} = \frac{{2ab}}{{a + b}}\)