In the circuit shown below Zener voltage is V Z = 5 V and β = 100

In the circuit shown below Zener voltage is V Z = 5 V and β = 100
| In the circuit shown below Zener voltage is VZ = 5 V and β = 100. The value of ICQ and VCEQ are

A. 12.47 mA, 4.3 V

B. 12.47 mA, 5.7 V

C. 10.43 A, 5.7 V

D. 10.43 A, 4.3 V

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Right Answer is: B


We obtained the operating point in following steps.

Step 1: We redraw the given circuit as

Step 2 : Applying KVL in collector-base-emitter, we determine the emitter current (IEQ) as

12 – 500(IC + IB) – VZ – VBE = 0

Step 3: So, the collector current is given by

Step 4: Since, emitter is connected to ground, i.e. VE = 0. So, we determine the collector to emitter voltage (VCEQ) as

VC = VE + VBE + VZ

= 0 + 0.7 + 5 = 5.7

Step 5: Thus, the collector to emitter voltage is

VCE = VC – VE = 5.7 – 0 = 5.7 V