Number of electric lines of force passing through unit area is ca

Number of electric lines of force passing through unit area is ca
| Number of electric lines of force passing through unit area is called

A. flux

B. density

C. electric field

D. None of these

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: A



  • Electric flux: The number of electric field lines passing through a surface area normally is called electric flux. It is denoted by Φ.

  • The electric flux through a chosen surface is given by:

\({\rm{\Delta }}\phi = \vec E.{\rm{\Delta }}\vec S = E{\rm{\Delta }}Scos\theta \)

Where θ is the angle between the electrical field and the positive normal to the surface.


  • The number of electric lines of force passing through unit area is called electric flux. So option 1 is correct.
  • The electric charge per unit area is called electric surface charge density of that surface.
  • The space or region around the electric charge in which electrostatic force can be experienced by other charged particles is called an electric field by that electric charge.


  • Gauss’s Law: It states that the net electric field through a closed surface equals the net charge enclosed by the surface divided by ϵ0.

\(\oint \vec E.\overrightarrow {ds} = \frac{{{q_{inside}}}}{{{ϵ_0}}}\)

Where E = electric field, ds = small area, qinside = the total charge inside the surface, and ϵ0 = the permittivity of free space.