One fifth of the area of the triangle ABC is cut off by the line

One fifth of the area of the triangle ABC is cut off by the line
| One fifth of the area of the triangle ABC is cut off by the line DE drawn parallel to BC such that D is on AB and E is one AC. If BC = 10 cm, then what is DE equal to?

A. √5 cm

B. 2√5 cm

C. 3√5 cm

D. 4√5 cm

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B


In triangle ADE and ABC

∠ A is common

∠ ADE = ∠ ABE [∵ Corresponding angles are equal when DE is parallel to BC]


Area(ADE) /Area(ABC) = (DE/BC)2

⇒ 1/5 = (DE/10)2

∴ DE = 2√5 cm