Question 14Find the cost of fencing a rectangular park

Question 14Find the cost of fencing a rectangular park

Question 14

Find the cost of fencing a rectangular park of length 175 m and breadth 125 m at the rate of Rs 12 per meter.

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Right Answer is:


Length of the rectangular park    = 175 m.

Breadth of the rectangular park   = 125 m.

Perimeter of park                   = 2×(length + breadth).

                                               = 2×(175 + 125).

                                               = 2×300 = 600 m.

So, the required fencing for a rectangular park is 600 m.

Since, the cost of fencing park per meter =  12.

Therefore, the cost of fencing the rectangular park of perimeter 600 m = 12×600 =  7,200.