Rhizopus species reproduce asexually through spores Tru

Rhizopus species reproduce asexually through spores Tru
| Rhizopus species reproduce asexually through spores.

A. True

B. False

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: A


Fungi and some algae reproduce asexually through spores. Rhizopus is a fungus and is commonly called bread mould.
Rhizopus grows as fine thread-like projections known as hyphae. Present on the top of hyphae is a blob-like structure, called sporangia. Sporangia produce numerous reproductive bodies called spores. Spores germinate under moist conditions to grow into new  Rhizopus species. 
Rhizopus: Structure with Diagram, Reproduction and Life Cycle ...