Statement 1 Bisexual flowers contains both stamen and

Statement 1 Bisexual flowers contains both stamen and
|  Statement 1: Bisexual flowers contains both stamen and pistil in the same flower.

Statement 2: Hibiscus and mustard are the examples of bisexual flowers.

A. Only statement 1 is correct.

B. Only statement 2 is correct.

C. Both the statements are correct.

D. Both the statements are incorrect.

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C


Bisexual flowers contain both stamen (male reproductive part) and pistil (female reproductive part) in the same flower. E.g., hibiscus, mustard, etc. On the other hand, unisexual flowers contain either stamen or pistil. E.g., papaya, watermelon, etc.