Stanford-Binet Test’ measures

Stanford-Binet Test’ measures
| Stanford-Binet Test’ measures

A. personality

B. reading efficiency

C. intelligence

D. None of the above

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Right Answer is: C


Intelligence is the ability to undertake activities that are characterized by difficulty, complexity, abstractness, economy, adaptiveness to a goal, social value, and the emergence of originals, and to maintain such activities under conditions that demand a concentration of energy and resistance to emotional forces.

Stanford-Binet Test

  • Need to measure intelligence arise to trap individual differences in the general mental ability for a variety of purposes, such as academic classification, occupational counseling, and personnel selection. Intelligence tests can be defined as a test to evaluate the general level of cognitive functions and intellectual ability. 
  • In 1911, the Binet-Simon scale was revised for the third time. More items were added to extend the scale up to the age group of 16 years. The American version of the Binet-Simon test was developed by Terman and Merrill at Stanford University in 1916. It is known as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence scale.
  • The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Form L-M, was different from its predecessor in that it included a deviation intelligence quotient with a normative mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 16. This version also included the 142 most pertinent items from the two previous forms of the test.
  • The four main areas assessed were verbal reasoning, abstract/visual reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and short-term memory. 
  • The latest version of the test, the Stanford- Binet Intelligence Scales–Fifth Edition (SB5) differs significantly from the SB4 with regard to theoretical structure, as the SB5 adheres rather strictly to the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) cognitive theory and the SB4 adheres to a less strict psychometric design.

Hence it is clear that the Stanford-Binet Test’ measures intelligence.