The 20 th term of arithmetic progression 20, 15 ½ , 11, 6 ½,………….

The 20 th term of arithmetic progression 20, 15 ½ , 11, 6 ½,………….
| The 20th term of arithmetic progression 20, 15 ½ , 11, 6 ½,………….. is

A. 0

B. – 65 ½

C. – 68

D. – 63 ½ 

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B


First term = a = 20,

Common difference = d = (15 ½) - 20 = (31/2) - 20 = -9/2

Using, Tn = a + (n – 1)d,

⇒ T20 = 20 + (20 – 1) × (-9/2) = -131/2 = -65 ½

⇒ 20th term of given arithmetic progression = -65 ½