The distance (in meters) a wave has to propagate in a medium havi

The distance (in meters) a wave has to propagate in a medium havi
| The distance (in meters) a wave has to propagate in a medium having a skin depth of 0.1 m so that the amplitude of the wave attenuates by 20 dB, is 

A. 0.12 

B. 0.23

C. 0.46

D. 2.3

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B



The amplitude of E.M wave when it propagates through a lossy medium is given by:

\(E = {E_0}{e^{ - \alpha z}}\)

α = attention factor which is the inverse of the skin depth (δ), i.e.

\(\alpha= \frac{1}{{skin\;depth\;\left( δ \right)}}\)


\(\alpha = \frac{1}{{0.1}} = 10\;{m^{ - 1}}\)

E = E0-αz

\(\frac{E}{{{E_0}}} = {e^{ - \alpha z}}\)

\(20\log \left( {\frac{E}{{{E_0}}}} \right) = 20\log \left( {{e^{ - \alpha z}}} \right)\)

For the wave to attenuate by 20 dB, we can write:

\(-20= 20\log \left( {{e^{ - \alpha z}}} \right)\)

-1 = log(e-αz)

e-αz = (10)-1

e-αz = 0.1

αz = 2.302

\(z = \frac{{2.302}}{\alpha } = \frac{{2.302}}{{10}}\)

= 0.2302 m