The flow in river is 1500 cumecs. A distorted model is build with

The flow in river is 1500 cumecs. A distorted model is build with
| The flow in river is 1500 cumecs. A distorted model is build with horizontal scale of \(\frac{1}{{150}}\) and vertical scale of  \(\frac{1}{{25}}\). The flow rate in the model should be

A. 0.04 m<sup>3</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>

B. 0.06 m<sup>3</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>

C. 0.08 m<sup>3</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>

D. 0.10 m<sup>3</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C



Distorted model:

A model is said to be distorted if it is not geometrically similar to its prototype. For a distorted model different scale ratios for the linear dimensions are adopted.

Advantages of distorted model:

1. The vertical dimension of the model can be measured accurately.

2. The cost of the model can be reduced.

3. Turbulent flow in the model can be maintained.

Scale ratio for horizontal dimension, (Lr)H\(\frac{{{L_P}}}{{{L_m}}} = \frac{{{B_P}}}{{{B_m}}} = \frac{{Linear\;horizontal\;dimension\;of\;prototype}}{{Linear\;horizontal\;dimension\;of\;model}}\)

Scale ratio for vertical dimension, (Lr)v\(\frac{{{h_p}}}{{{h_m}}} = \frac{{Linear\;vertical\;dimension\;of\;prototype}}{{Linear\;vertical\;dimension\;of\;model}}\)

Then the scale ratio of velocity, area of flow, discharge etc., in terms of (L­r)H and (Lr)V can be obtained for distorted models as given below:

1. Scale ratio for velocity

Let  VP = Velocity in prototype

Vm = Velocity in model

Then \(\frac{{{V_P}}}{{{V_m}}} = \frac{{\sqrt {2g{h_p}} }}{{\sqrt {2g{h_m}} }} = \sqrt {\frac{{{h_p}}}{{{h_m}}}} = \sqrt {{{\left( {{L_r}} \right)}_V}} \)

2. Scale ratio for area of flow

Let AP = Area of flow in prototype = BP × hp

Am = Area of flow in model = Bm × hm

\(\therefore \;\;\frac{{{A_P}}}{{{A_m}}} = \frac{{{B_P} \times {h_P}}}{{{B_m} \times {h_m}}} = \frac{{{B_P}}}{{{B_m}}} \times \frac{{{h_P}}}{{{h_m}}} = {\left( {{L_r}} \right)_H} \times {\left( {{L_r}} \right)_V}\)

3. Scale ratio for discharge

Let QP = Discharge through prototype = AP × VP

Qm = Discharge through model = Am × Vm

\(\therefore \;\frac{{{Q_P}}}{{{Q_m}}} = \frac{{{A_P} \times {V_P}}}{{{A_m} \times {V_m}}} = {\left( {{L_r}} \right)_H} \times {\left( {{L_r}} \right)_V} \times \sqrt {{{\left( {{L_r}} \right)}_V}} = {\left( {{L_r}} \right)_H} \times {\left[ {{{\left( {{L_r}} \right)}_V}} \right]^{3/2}}\)


\({\left( {{L_r}} \right)_H} = \frac{1}{{150}},\;\;{\left( {{L_r}} \right)_V} = \frac{1}{{25}},\;{Q_m} = 1500\;{m^3}/s\)

\(\left( {{Q_r}} \right) = \frac{1}{{150}} \times {\left( {\frac{1}{{25}}} \right)^{3/2}} = \frac{1}{{18750}}\)

\(\frac{{{Q_M}}}{{{Q_P}}} = \frac{1}{{18750}} \Rightarrow \;{Q_m} = \frac{{1500}}{{18750}} = 0.08\;{m^3}/{s^{ - 1}}\)