The speed of another ship, F is 11.11% more than the speed of shi

Direction: Study the given line graph and pie chart carefully and answer the following questions accordingly.

Line graph shows the speeds (in km/h) of five different ships in a river and the speed of the water (in km/h) and pie chart shows the percentage of distance (in %) travelled by all the five ships

Note: The total distance is 3000 km.

Question 1: The speed of another ship, F is 11.11% more than the speed of ship C and speed of stream (for Ship F) is 25% more than the speed of stream for ship E. Then ship F to takes ______ hours to cover a distance of 2625 km in upstream.

A. 77.5 hours

B. 75 hours

C. 68 hours

D. 70 hours

E. None of these

Right Answer is: B


Speed of ship F = 45 × 111.11% = 50 km/hr

Speed of stream for ship F = 12 × 125% = 15 km/hr

∴ Time taken by ship F to cover 1860 km (upstream) = 2625/(50 - 15) = 2625/35 = 75 hours