The transfer function of the system shown in the given figure is:

The transfer function of the system shown in the given figure is:

The transfer function of the system shown in the given figure is:

A. G<sub>1</sub> + G<sub>2</sub>

B. (G<sub>1</sub> + G<sub>2</sub>) /2

C. G<sub>1</sub>/ (1 &ndash; 2G<sub>1</sub>G<sub>2</sub>)

D. G<sub>1</sub>/ (1+2G<sub>1</sub>G<sub>2</sub>)

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B



A transfer function is defined as the ratio of Laplace transform of the output to the Laplace transform of the input by assuming initial conditions are zero.

TF = L[output]/L[input]

\(TF = \frac{{C\left( s \right)}}{{R\left( s \right)}}\)


Y(s) = G2 R(s) – C(s)

C(s) = G1 R(s) + Y(s)

= G1 R(s) + [G2 R(s) – C(s)]

⇒ C(s) = G1 R(s) + G2 R(s) – C(s)

⇒ 2C(s) = (G1 + G2) R(s)

The transfer function of the system,

\(\frac{{C\left( s \right)}}{{R\left( s \right)}} = \frac{{{G_1} + {G_2}}}{2}\)