What is Bulk Modulus?

What is Bulk Modulus?
| What is Bulk Modulus?

A. Ratio of shear strain is shear stress

B. Ratio of volumetric strain to stress

C. Ratio of shear stress to shear strain

D. Ratio of direct stress to volumetric strain

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Right Answer is: D



Bulk modulus (K):

  • The is defined as the ratio of direct stress to volumetric strain.
  • SI unit of the bulk modulus is the same as that of pressure i.e., N m–2 or Pa.
  • It is reciprocal of Compressibility of the fluid.
  • It is denoted by K or B.

\(\rm{K = \frac{{d P}}{{-\frac{dV}{V}}}=\frac{1}{β}}\)

where V is the initial volume, P is pressure and β is compressibility.

Compressibility (β):

  • It is a measure of fluid’s relative volume change for when pressure acting on it changes.
  • It is the inverse of Bulk modulus (K) and has units of ‘Pa - 1’.