What is Poisson’s Ratio?

What is Poisson’s Ratio?
| What is Poisson’s Ratio?

A. It is the ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain

B. It is the ratio of force to the area

C. It is the ratio of change in radius or diameter to the original radius or diameter

D. It is the ratio of change in length to the original length

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: A



  • When a long bar is stretched by a force along its length than its length increases and the radius decreases.
  • Lateral strain: The ratio of change in radius or diameter to the original radius or diameter is called lateral strain.
  • Longitudinal strain: The ratio of change in length to the original length is called longitudinal strain.


  • Poisson's ratio: The ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain is called Poisson’s ratio (σ). Therefore option 1 is correct.

\(\sigma = \frac{{{\rm{Lateral\;strain}}}}{{{\rm{Longitudinal\;strain}}}}\)

\(\sigma = \frac{{ - \frac{{dr}}{r}}}{{\frac{{dL}}{L}}} = - \frac{{dr \times L}}{{dL \times r}}\)

  • The negative sign indicates that the radius of the bar decreases when it is stretched.
  • Poisson’s ratio is a dimensionless and a unitless quantity.
  • The ratio of force to the area is pressure. Therefore option 2 is incorrect.
  • The ratio of change in radius or diameter to the original radius or diameter is called lateral strain. Therefore option 3 is incorrect.
  • The ratio of change in length to the original length is called longitudinal strain. Therefore option 4 is incorrect.