Which among the following natural ecosystems is/are totally depen

Which among the following natural ecosystems is/are totally depen
| Which among the following natural ecosystems is/are totally dependent on solar radiation?

A. Desert ecosystem

B. Ocean ecosystem

C. Both A and B

D. Neither A nor B

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C


Natural ecosystem- It is a community of living and non-living organisms, where each component interacts together as a unit through biological, physical and chemical processes.

Solar radiation- It is the fundamental ecosystem modulator. Solar radiation provides energy, growth and sustainability to these ecosystems. Penetration of light depends on the transparency of water, amount of dissolved/suspended particles in water and the number of plankton.

A natural ecosystem like forests, grasslands, oceans, lakes, rivers and deserts are totally dependent on solar radiation.