Which of the following is correct regarding Olive Ridley Conserva

Which of the following is correct regarding Olive Ridley Conserva
| Which of the following is correct regarding Olive Ridley Conservation Status as per Wildlife Protection Act, 1972?

A. Conserve under Schedule 1

B. Conserve under Schedule 2

C. Conserve under Schedule 3

D. Conserve under Schedule 5

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Right Answer is: A


Olive Ridley-Conserved under Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (amended 1991). Hence, option A is correct.

Endemic- This species of sea turtle is found in warm and tropical waters, primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans Found throughout Tropical Water (Except Mexico).

IUCN Status- Vulnerable

CITES Status-Appendix I of CITES.

The sea turtles are protected under the 'Migratory Species Convention' and Convention of International Trade on Wildlife Flora and Fauna (CITES).