Which of the following is not the cause of plateau of learning?

Which of the following is not the cause of plateau of learning?
| Which of the following is not the cause of plateau of learning?

A. Limit of motivation 

B. <p>Non-cooperation of school</p>

C. Physiological limit

D. Limit of knowledge&nbsp;

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Right Answer is: B


Learning Plateau-

  • If the learner arrives at a plateau in his learning process, imperfect linguistic items, rules, and subsystems will become relatively permanently incorporated into the learning system of a second language learner, in spite of further experience, explanation, or instruction. 
  • A learning plateau occurs when you stop learning quickly. It's easy to make quick progress early on, when you learn more, you naturally slow down. Because of this, learning plateau frequently occurs when learners reach an intermediate level of learning.

Following are the cause of plateau of learning-

  • Overgeneralization of the linguistic material of the target 
  • Strategies of communication
  • limit of motivation 
  • Physiological limit
  • Limit of knowledge 
  • lack of confidence
  • doing the same things all the time

Hence it is clear that non-cooperation of school is not a cause of learning plateau.