Which of the following is true in case of reversible ad

Which of the following is true in case of reversible ad

Which of the following is true in case of reversible adiabatic expansion?


(T2T1)γ = (P1P2)γ  1


(T1T2)γ = (P1P2)γ  1


(T1T2)γ = (P1P2)1  γ


(T1T2)γ = (P2P1)1  γ

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B


Adiabatic Expansion or Compression Process

As we know, in adiabatic process, heat change is zero.

q = 0 [No heat is allowed to enter or leave the system]

Now, as we know

ΔV = q + ω

 ΔV = ω[q = 0]

If ω = ve  ΔV = ve [by the system]

If ω = +ve  ΔV = +ve[on the system]

Now, Let's try to find out the work done in adiabatic expansion.

As we know that,


   dV = Cv . dT

and for finite change  ΔV = CvΔT

Therefore, ω = ΔV = CvΔT

Here, the value of ΔT depends on the process whether it is reversible or irreversible.

Reversible Adiabatic Expansion

We know that,

ω = PΔV

& ω = CvΔT     (as we just saw)


For very small change in reversible process,

CvΔT = PdV

 CvΔT = RTvdv(for one mole of gas) (As we know, Pv = nRT)

 Cv.dTT = R.dVV

Integrating from T1 to T2 and V1 to V2

CvT2T1 dTT = Rv2v1 dvv

 Cv logeT2T1 = R logev2v1 = Rlogev1v2

 logT2T1 = Rcvlogv2v1 = Rcvlogv1v2

Now, as we know

Cp  Cv = R

 cpcv  1 = Rcv

 (γ  1) = Rcv           [ cpcv = γ]

Now, put value of RCv in eq. (4),

Log T2T1 = (γ  1)logv1v2

= log (v1v2)       ...............(5)

or T2T1 = (v1v2)γ  1 .............(6)

T1T2 = (v2v1)γ  1 .............(7)

 P1V1P2V2 =(v2v1)γ1  P2P1 = (v2v1)γ

 P1vγ1 = P2vγ2

 Pvγ = constant

Now, we know that

V1V2 = P2T1P1T2................(8)

Substituting (8) in (4)

(P2T1P1T2)γ  1 = T2T1

 (P2P1)γ  1 = (T2T1)γ

 (T1T2)γ = (P1P2)1  γ